Time and Propinquity
If Propinquity is defined as kinship, but also proximity, as Augustine asked, “What, then, is time?”
Our authors and artists see time not just as a tapestry, but the very thread and needle stitching the patterns of our lived experience. We have time as "the accident of accidents." We have orthodox theologies of fallen time as unending desire. We halve time's masculine birth into a Freckled Goddess. We have Time as an Emergent Symbiotic Interaction, an Omnitemporal Psyche standing firmly Against the Immanentization of the Aeon.

How to Market Your Grief Blog
Through a series of advice blogs advising a “you” that is clearly the blogger himself, David Estaire—a dilettante, an inhaler of cleaning products, a melancholized brother—employs counterfactual and imperative tenses to describe his travails from San Francisco to Sault Ste. Marie, from suburban fatherhood to Skid Row, from reality show stardom to The Serpent River Penitentiary. These Philip K. Dickian sustains of involuting realities depict the grief of the sinister hobbies e.g., ‘inveigling’ e.g., ‘deceit;’ the grief of Ricœurant Memory, History, and Forgetting; the grief of the coins accidentally eaten while on Ambien, the coins presumed to be mints. David eschews epistemic and methodological humility to paragraph goblin from scholars of sempiternality, emotional plague, and the blockchain. These are among the lesser sins justified by the premonition that his “time-symmetrical blog chain” can circumvent a machinic desire to object-orient the whole human-dreamt entire.

Andrew Brenza's POD
Over a period of several months in the winter of 2022, a nameless entity, via manipulations of entangled particles across time, or pods, as the entity referred to them, transmitted an expressive model for the development of an eternally sustainable utopian consciousness into the plastic architecture of the author’s dreams. This book is the visual-textual record of those transmissions.